The Chair operates inline with the policies of the Department of Human Settlements as well as of the University. The following are our programmes which we implement with our strategic partners towards the betterment of future cities and human settlements in South Africa:
Bursary programme
The DHS has a policy which will assist in management of the implementation of any partnership created. A clearly defined memorandum of understanding in agreement of the relationship created will be developed and signed by parties involved.
This includes setting aside bursaries and also include the new qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Human Settlements Development as part of the areas of interest funded. Furthermore, placement of students on the job related aspects of their studies on a predetermined contract.
Scholarship programme
The DHS has a scholarships policy which will assist in management of the implementation of any partnership created. A clearly defined memorandum of understanding in agreement of the relationship created will be developed and signed by parties involved.
This includes setting aside funding and also inclusion of the new qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Human Settlements Development as part of the areas for non-conditional funding. Furthermore, placement of any Human Settlements related students on the experiential related learning on a given timeframe.
Learnership programme
Human Settlements Youth Brigade is a flagship project branded under the DHS to address capacity and skills shortages in underperforming municipalities, provincial departments, national departments and special purpose agencies in Human Settlements.
Other related projects are welcome and a formal relationship will be established through a memorandum of understanding between parties involved.
Internship programme
As part of the DHS policy on graduate development and work placement programme as well as a talent management policy any internship relationships will be managed. A clearly defined memorandum of understanding and agreement will be developed and signed by parties involved.
Fellowship Programmes
Through collaboration with other institutions of higher learning, exchange students within South Africa, across Africa and the world, these are formalised research based programmes that benefit students in predetermined areas of specialisation. This is an academic programme that provides an opportunity for the senior students to experience different environments as part of their own studies in the workplace and also get tuition in another partner institution.
Short Learning Programmes
Organisations, departments, municipalities, public entities and private sector to provide resources and create an opportunity for staff to participate in Human Settlements Short Learning Programmes. These are programmes that can benefit from the Skills Levy and the Capacity Enhancement Grants.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
The policy on recognition of prior learning as well as rules of the University will apply depending on the individual's application, the knowledge, skills and experience they have demonstrated through. Read more about not meeting the requirements
For organisations and institutions to provide support and participate fully in shaping the establishment of a South African Council for Human Settlements Professionals.